
How to rearrange or disable Catalog sections in the pricing table?

Focus: The focus of this Self Help article is to provide you information and steps on how to rearrange Catalog items (Services, Products, Subscriptions) in the price layout and how to remove them so they are not used when building the price table in Step 3 of building the proposal.

Step 1: Click on Catalog > Settings > Pricing Table Sections

Catalog - Settings - Pricing Table Sections

Step 2: To rearrange Sections. Using your mouse, click one of the names, hold down your mouse and move it up and down. Please note: This will not update the sections in the Step 2 of the pricing table, but it will be updated when you preview the proposal or sent out to your client.

Catalog - Settings - Pricing Table Sections - Rearrange

Step 3: How to disable a Catalog section. Next to the section name, under Enable, Click the green check mark and this will change it to a RED circle. Please note: When you do this, you will no longer have this section available in the Price Table in Step 2 of building the proposal.

Catalog - Settings - Pricing Table Sections - Enable

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