
What are content blocks and how to use them?

Focus: The focus of this Self Help article is to provide you information on “Content Blocks” and steps in order to add them to your template or proposal.

What are content blocks? A content block(s) are used when you want to add a specific type of “content” to a “Section” of the template or proposal. You have the ability to drag and drop these content blocks in a section to edit them.

Step 1: Understanding the different types of blocks and what you can do with them.
A. Text — Used to add text and other information to the proposal. This will add text to the Web Version and PDF version of your proposal.

B. Video — A block that you can add “Embed” Video code from another source (Example: YouTube) to include the video in the Web Version ONLY. This block also contains “PDF” Content that you will add that will only show in the PDF, because the video will not be added to the PDF.

C. Gallery — Used to add pictures to the Web Version Only. This block also contains “PDF” Content that you will add that will only show in the PDF, because the image uploaded above will not be added to the PDF.

D. Pricing table — With this block, you add the Pricing table and where it will be shown on the Web Version or the PDF version. Once you add this block, your pricing information will automatically be added.

E. HTML Code —  With this block, you can add customized HTML code that can be displayed on the Web Version ONLY. For example, adding buttons for social networking websites. This block also contains “PDF” Content that you will add that will only show in the PDF, because the HTML code will not be added to the PDF.  Please note: If you are copying code in from another source, such as “”, you will need to change the http:// prefix to Https:// in order for Quote Roller to show the file.

F. Page Break — This adds a page break line to the proposals – This adds a page break to the PDF Version of the proposals. To help each section to specific on one page of the PDF, we suggest adding this to each “Section” that you have added.

G. Signature — This adds a signature line to the PDF version of the proposal. Please note: By Default we automatically add one signature block to the bottom of every created proposal, but you are welcome to add your own signature block to a different location or to multiple locations.

H. PayPal — This adds the price and a PayPal button to your Web Version of your proposal. Please note: For the “Payment amount”, enter in a number only. Do not add $ or any comma’s. This is a number field only. This solution is recommend, if you want to have your client make a pre-payment before they sign a proposal, however the proposal can be in an “Accepted” status and this option can still be used.

Templates - Create a Template - Add A Text block

Step 2: To Add a block — Using the “Add a content block” section, choose a block to add. In this example, we will add a “Text” block.

Step 3: Using the “WYSIWYG” (What you see is what you get).    The editor is a simple tool but there is a wide range of things that you can do with it. Most of the buttons are self explanatory; the screenshot below describes how to “Hyperlink Text”, upload a picture and add a table.  Always click on Save to save any changes.

Templates - Edit Content - WYSIWYG Editor

Step 4: Adding additional content blocks.  At any time, you can add additional content blocks, by clicking on the Green + symbol. You can either add new content blocks above or below existing blocks.

Adding additional content blocks

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