
What are tokens and how to add them to templates or proposals?

Focus: The focus of this Self Help article is to provide you information and steps in order to add “tokens” to templates and proposals.

What are tokens?  A token is piece of code that you can insert into a “content block” that will auto-fill your information. For example, if you have filled out the Company name for your client contact, you can insert in a “Client Company” token to auto-fill that in your proposal. Tokens can be used for the following blocks: Text, Gallery, HTML and Video.

Why use tokens?:  We recommend that you use tokens for “templates” and when you use that template for your proposal, it will auto-fill the tokens you have setup.

Step 1:  Adding a token to a proposal.  Create a new proposal or edit an existing one. Add a Section, then add a Text, Gallery, HTML or video Block. In this example, we will be adding it to a text block.

Templates - Create a Template - Text block, editor and save

Step 2: Choose a location in the editor and click on the button with a “YELLOW T” to add a token.

Templates - Edit Content - Token Selector

Step 3: From the list of token, select one the categories and then select a token using the Radio button and click OK to add it to the editor.

Templates - Edit Content - Token Selector - Tokens

Example: if you wanted to add the Quote Number to the template or proposal, use token:    ::QuoteNumber::

Extra: Below you will find a full detail list of the tokens and what they do:

Token Description of Token – What does it add?
::ClientCompany:: Adds the client company name from Clients
::ClientCompanyAddress:: Adds the client company address from Clients
::ClientCompanyCity:: Adds the client company city from Clients
::ClientCompanyCountry:: Adds the client company country from Clients
::ClientCompanyPostcode:: Adds the client company zip/Post Code from Clients
::ClientCompanyRegion:: Adds the client company state/province from Clients
::ClientPhone:: Adds the client’s phone number from Clients
::ClientPrimaryContactEmail:: Adds the primary contact for company,  email address from Clients
::ClientPrimaryContactFirstName:: Adds the primary contact for company,  first name from clients
::ClientPrimaryContactLastName:: Adds the primary contact for company,  last name from Clients
::ClientPrimaryContactTitle:: Adds the primary conatct for company, title from Clients.
::ClientPrimaryContactName:: Adds the primary contact for company, full name from Clients
::ClientWebsite:: Adds the client company website From Clients
::CurrentDate:: Adds the current date
::ImageGalleryURL:: Adds the URL link for the Proposal that goes to the “section/page” where the Gallery block was added. Can only be added to the Gallery block
::ProjectDiscountTotal:: Provides a currency amount based up the Discount total in section 3 (Price)
::ProjectGrandTotalCost:: Provides a currency amount based up the Grand total in section 3 (Price)
::ProjectName:: Provides the name of the proposal
::ProjectOngoingDiscountTotal:: Provides currency amount based up subscriptions line item discount in section 2 (Price)
::ProjectOngoingGrandTotal:: Provides currency amount based up subscriptions grand total in section 2 (Price)
::ProjectOngoingTaxTotal:: Provides currency amount based up subscrtiptions total tax in section 2 (Price)
::ProjectOngoingTotal:: Provices currency amount based up subscrtiptions Total in section 2 (Price)
::ProjectTaxTotal:: Provides a currency amount based up the Total tax in section 2 (Price)
::ProjectTotal:: Provides a currency amount based up the Total cost in section 2 (Price)
::ProposalCreatedDate:: Adds the Date of when the Proposoal was first created
::ProposalCurrency:: Adds the Currency set from My Settings > Company Settings
::ProposalExpirationDate:: Adds the Expiration date IF set in “Proposal Options”
::ProposalSentDate:: Adds the date of when the proposal is Saved or Sent to the client
::QuoteNumber:: Provides the Quote Number that is given to the proposal when you first create it.
::SenderCompany:: Adds the Sender Company Name from Settings > Company
::SenderCompanyAddress:: Adds the Sender Company Address from Settings > Company
::SenderCompanyCity:: Adds the Sender Company City from Settings > Company
::SenderCompanyCountry:: Adds the Sender Company Country from Settings > Company
::SenderCompanyFax:: Adds the Sender Company Fax number from Settings > Company
::SenderCompanyPhone:: Adds the Sender Company Phone number from Settings > Company
::SenderCompanyPostcode:: Adds the Sender Company Zip/Postal Code from Settings > Company
::SenderCompanyRegion:: Adds the Sender Company State/Province from Settings > Company
::SenderEmail:: Adds the Sender Email address from Settings > Profile
::SenderEmailSignature:: Adds the Sender Email signature from Settings > Profile
::SenderName:: Adds the Sender Full name from Settings > Profile
::SenderPhone:: Adds the Sender Phone number from Settings > Profile
::SenderTitle:: Adds the Sender Title from Settings > Profile
::SenderWebsite:: Adds the Sender Website from Settings  > Company

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