
What is the content library and how to use it?

Focus: The focus of this Self Help article is to provide you information about the Content Library and how to use it for your template and proposals. We will also provide instruction on how to Add content to the library, add to templates and proposals and then also how to edit them.

What is the Content Library?  The content library can be used to save a copy of a “content block” that you have added to your templates or proposals, so you can use them over and over again for other proposals and templates. This can be used for the Text, Video, Gallery and HTML blocks. To edit existing content, scroll down to Step 4. Please note: The Content Library is only available for the Professional, Enterprise and Team Quote Roller plans. 

In this example, we will be using a “Text Block”.

Step 1: Adding a block to a section. In the “Add a content block” section, click on “Text”. Give the block a name. For this example, we will use “My block”.

Templates - Create a Template - Add A Text block

Step 2: Adding the block to the Content Library.  Once you have created your block, you can use the orange button “Add to Library” to add this to your content library.

Templates - Edit Content - Add to Library

Step 3: Now, if you click on the blue button “Content Library” you will see that block has been added. You can use the “Add” button to add it to the bottom  of a “section” or “delete” it. You will also see on the left, there are categories for each type of Content Block that can be added to the “Content Library”. You can also use the “filter” option to help find your content faster.

Templates - Edit Content - Content LIbrary - add

Step 4: Editing Content.  From the main view of your Quote Roller Account, there is a Library option.  You can use the “Search” box to look for specific titles of content block or from text that you have in the content block. In this option, you can select your “Text”, “Video”  and “HTML” Content blocks that you have saved in Templates or in Step 3 of the proposal process. Here you can “edit” them to modify the content that will be displayed on the Web and PDF versions for “Text” blocks. Web version “HTML” blocks. Web version for  the “Video” blocks.  You can simply, click on “edit” next to the name.

Library - Types - Edit

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