
How to add a picture to Catalog line items?

Focus: The focus of this Self Help article is to provide you information and steps in order to add a picture to your Catalog Items.

Please note: At this time you can only add pictures to the Web Version of the proposal. Also, you will need to use the “Default” pricing table layout for Price table block. For more information on how to use the “Default” pricing table, click here.

Step 1: Click on Catalog > Settings > Services & Subscriptions, then look for Catalog à Fields.

Catalog - Settings - Servicesandsubscriptions - Catalog Fields

Step 2: Check the “Image” box and click the orange button “Save”.

Step 3: Now, either add a new Catalog or edit and existing on and now you will see the option to upload a picture.  Click on the button “Choose File”, select the picture from your computer. Click OK/Open, then click on the orange “Save” button. Please note: We do not recommend pictures larger than 100×100 for this Catalog item image.

Catalog - Services - Add a Picture

Step 4: Review the item and now you will see a picture next to that item. This picture will automatically load in Price lists or in Step 3 of the building a proposal when you add the item.

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