
How to use proposal analytics?

Focus: The focus of this Self Help article is to provide you information and steps in order to use proposal Analytics for sent proposals that have been Accepted.

Please note: Analytics are only in the Professional and Enterprise Quote Roller subscription plans. Quote Roller will break down the amount of time spent on each Section for the proposal, by providing you the date and time viewed, which section and the time spent. It will also include when/if the PDF Version was downloaded. If you have sent this to multiple clients, it will also break it down by client. Time is defined by Hours/Minutes/Seconds. The minimal amount of time that will show is 6 seconds.

Step 1:  Click on Proposals > Sent, then click on the name of the proposal. This will take you to the proposal overview

Proposals - Sent - Analytics

Step 2: On the proposal overview, click on “Analytics”.  Here you will have two tabs, “By Client” and “By Section”.

  1. By Client – Provides a date/time stamp, Action and the time Spent on the proposal for each client. If you have sent the proposal to multiple clients, each client would show up under “By Client”.
  2. By Section – Provides a pie graph, section and the amount of time spent for each section that you have created for your proposal.

Proposals - Sent - Analytics -Analytics tabs

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