
What is the Dashboard and how do I use it?

Focus: The Focus of this Self Help article is to provide information about the Quote Roller Dashboard. Includes how to configure and understand how to use the dashboard.

Please note: If you are using the Dashboard in a multi-user environment. Draft proposals created by other team members will not be reflected in the overall count on the dashboard. You will see them in the list of the Status,  but not the overall count. For example, if you are the admin and you there are 3 team members, if they have draft proposals, the overall count will not show those.

Step 1: Using the Dashboard.  Using the dashboard is very simple process, first you choose your option for time and select on each section for the types of proposals in your account. We also provide Statistical information for the number of proposals per specific status and a proposal funnel. Also included is a history of your proposals.


Step 2: Time Selection   The time option will show your proposals in that specific period of time. The chosen time will show by default for each time you login to your account. This can be changed at any time.

  1. Week – This represents  7 days
  2. 3 Week – This represents 21 days
  3. Month – This represents 30 days
  4. 3 Months – This represents 90 days
  5. Year – This represents 365 days.

Step 3: Selecting a Status Category and reviewing proposals

You can click on each of the proposal statuses in to see information about them. Please note that the “Amount” Show in each category box, does NOT show any Catalog > Subscriptions amounts, you have to view each proposal to see this amount.

  1. Sent Provides a list of all proposals that have been sent, and includes total cost, created by, Sent date and time. You have also have the option to “edit“ and “archive” the proposal.
  2. Viewed  Provides a list of all proposals that have been sent and viewed. Includes total cost, created by, Sent date and time. You have also have the option to “edit“ and “archive” the proposal.
  3. In discussion   Provides a list of all proposals that have been sent, viewed and your client has used the “In Discussion” option. Includes total cost, created by, Sent date and time. You have also have the option to “edit“, “archive” and “reply” back to your client for the current discussion about this proposal.
  4. Accepted  Provides a list of all proposals that have been sent and viewed and accepted by the client or status manually changed to Accepted.  Includes total cost, created by, Sent date and time. You have also have the option to “edit“ and “archive” the proposal. Accepted is chosen by default.
  5. Declined   Provides a list of all proposals that have been sent and viewed and declined by the client or status manually changed to Declined.  Includes total cost, created by, Sent date and time. You have also have the option to “edit” and “archive” the proposal.
  6. Draft  Provides a list of all proposals that you are currently working on. Includes total cost, created by. You have also have the option to “edit“ and “delete” the proposal.

Step 4: All-Story Stats and Proposal Funnel

  1.  All Story Stats   In this section, you will be shown the “Total Statistics” for all of your proposals that you have in your account. The graph will also include proposals that have been archived. Please note:  In order to show the graph, you will need to have at least 3 proposals that have been sent from your account.
  2. Proposals Funnel   In this section, you will be shown the “View Rate” and “Acceptance Rate” of your sent proposals that you have in your account. Please note: In order to show the graph, you will need to have at least 10 sent proposals and have at least 1 viewed and 1 accepted.

Step 5: History  In this section, we provide information about proposal events with a date and time stamp.  Time is defined by Hours/Minutes/Seconds. They include:

  1. Create new proposal
  2. Changed a proposal
  3. Sent a proposal
  4. Follow up to “Discuss/commented” option.
  5. Follow up on proposal
  6. Archiving of a proposal
  7. Client reviews a proposal
  8. Client accepts a proposal
  9. Client declines a proposal
  10. Client uses the “Discuss/commented” option
  11. Add or deletion of Catalog items
  12. Add or deletion of Clients
  13. Add or changes to templates

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