
Box Integration with Quote Roller

Focus: The focus of this document is to provide you steps on how to integrate Box Service with Quote Roller.

What does the integration do? This integration will allow you to send your proposals to a secondary cloud storage space to be viewed by other employees.

Step 1: Login into Your Quote Roller Account.

Step 2: On the Upper right, click on Settings, then click on “Integrations”. Next, find the Box Integration and click on the enable button.

Settings - Integrations -Box

Step 3: Connecting Box and Quote Roller

Box Integration
A. Click Connect to begin
B. Login into your account to confirm the integration.

Step 4: Using Quote Roller to add PDF to Box. Go through the proposal process and either Send the proposal to your client or use “Save As Sent”. On the right, you will see the option to send the PDF to Box.

Integrations - Proposal Overview - Box
A.  Quote Roller will process and provide this message, “Backing up to box”.
B. After the transfer has been completed, you will receive a message, “uploaded to box”.

Congratulations, you have now provided a copy of your Quote Roller Proposal to Box.

Step 5: Viewing your Proposals in Box
A. Access your Box account at
B. You will see a folder called “Quote Roller Proposals”

Have Questions, please feel free to contact us?
For faster support, please login into your Quote Roller account and click on the blue Help/Questions button found on the upper right of your account.