How to add a discount to the proposal pricing table?
Focus: The focus of this Self Help article is to provide you information and steps in order to add a discount to a proposal or a price list.
Step 1: Create or open a proposal and go to Step 2. Add an item to the pricing table. Over on the right, you will have “pricing table settings”.
Step 2: Using “total” discount for discount type. At the bottom of the pricing table you will see Discount. Click on the green + symbol to add a total discount. You will have two options, “Fixed” or “Percentage”. Add a name for the discount, and enter in a value.
Step 3: Using “Line Item” discount. Under the Discount type, select the “Line item discount” option and the pricing table will automatically update that now includes a “discount” field for each item.
If you would like more information on Catalog Price lists, click here.
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