
How to choose a Pricing Table layout?

Focus: The focus of this Self Help article is to provide you information and steps in order to choose a pricing table layout for your templates and proposals.

Please note:  This is configurable by using the Content Block “Price Table”. This can either be done in Templates or in a proposal, Step 3. We do recommend that you setup the template before creating a proposal. In this example, we will be showing the options by editing a template.

Step 1: Find and edit a template, or create a new template.

Templates - My Templates - Template Name

Step 2: Click on “Edit Content” to open the editor to make changes to the content of the template.

Step 3: Add a section to include the price table block or edit that section. In our example, the pricing table block is under “Fees”. Using the “Price Table” block and drag it into that section. Give it name and click the orange button Save.

Text block added - Add a content block - Price

Step 4: Now you will have two options for the Table Layout. “Default” and “Simple”  Choose one of these table layouts and click the orange button “Save” to save this block.

Templates - Edit Content - Price Table -Table options

Default Layout — The default layout contains exactly what your pricing table will look like and has the options to change the colors of the table header. This can be done from Templates > your template > Change Design > Table Header selection.

Table Layout - Default

Simple Layout – This layout is not configurable, unlike the Default layout. This layout will only provide you pricing information.

Table Layout - Simple

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